Watch Rainbows Being Fired Out of Nipples on Grizzly Bear's Odd New Music Video For "Mourning Sound"
So after watching this video, I was attempting to find some deep seeded meaning within it. Needless to say, the meaning is pretty much lost to all but the band members of Grizzly Bear. "Mourning Sound" is the second of four single from the band's upcoming album, Painted Ruins. This NSFW video is full of oddities like transitioning through mirrors, butt slapping and a woman shooting rainbows out of her nipples. The main portions of the video are full of the various woman singing along to the song while staring blankly into the camera. Visually the video is very striking (besides all the weird stuff) and full of colorful scenery and outfits. Halfway through the video, all the girls begin to glow and dance sporadically. This culminates in the end as they form a circle and a large column of light appears. Though the video might be really weird, it was nevertheless very enjoyable and has me excited for the upcoming album.
Happy Jamming!